Thursday, December 1, 2011

Taking Care of Mom

Sawyer has a new thing he has been doing lately and it is taking care of me. He brings me drinks and asks if I need anything. Not all of the time but when he is feeling extra sweet. He mostly does it when I come home from work in the mornings. He will bring me a drink of water after I get into bed. (Joel always brings him a drink of water after he gets in bed) and then he says, "I'm taking care of you Mom". I think I have found my power of attorney or caregiver when I need one.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


We were getting ready for the Trunk or Treat at our church tonight and after I put on my Elasti-Girl costume (the Mom from the Incredibles) Sawyer said, "Mom, you look pretty!" Then Joel put his Mr. Incredible costume on and stuffed it with a beer belly and Sawyer said, "Mom, you look pretty, but Dad, your just fat."

Monday, October 17, 2011

Primary Program

Sawyer it turns out is a genius at memorizing. Joel was teaching him his part for the primary program and he said it by himself after the third time. It's three sentences long! His primary teachers were very impressed and Sawyer's face was priceless. He loves praise. We have to remember that.

And we also found out the Soy has some moves--we got a dance game last week and he was showing us all up!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Favorite Sawyer Moment of the Day

Sawyer loves to set up his guys (his superheroes and pirates) in preparation for battle. He calls it his set up and after he gets done he says "Mom! Come look at my set up. Do you like my set up? I am a good setter."

He painted boxes for almost an hour today (and my bench). It's so nice when I can get him involved that long in an activity on his own that isn't electronic!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sweet Soy Sauce

I overheard Sawyer and London talking while they were playing the other day and he said "London, that is so nice, do you want to come snuggle with me in Mom's bed?" London said, "No" very politely.

"Dad! Plug your nose and come in here!"  Sawyer has a problem with holding his poop for long periods of time so when he does go he really goes and he has us come and admire his work (I won't miss that when he grows up!)

Trampoline Adventures

Soy and I played on the tramp today and his imagination is spectacular! He was Woody and I was Bullseye and we were fighting Emperor Zurg and Emperor Zurg caught me and locked me up and Woody saved me. Then Soy told me I needed to fight back and I said "I'm a horse" and he said "Alright, I will make you a special suit....a suit that shoots....bullets...out of your mouth!" And so after I put the suit on and we were chasing after bad guys Saywer started talking to his "watch" on his wrist and he said "Oh my gosh! Emperor Zurg is inside me!" and after that he kept going back and forth between being Woody and Emperor Zurg before I used my special Zurg seperator laser to get him out. We were jumping in and out of dimensions through the white circle in the middle of the tramp the whole time and "Woody" was falling out of the sky and all sorts of stuff. I think we may be letting Saywer watch to much T.V. or play too many video games..... but wow he is so cute when he is playing like that.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Knock Knock

I told Sawyer a knock knock joke today and I thought he was going to pee himself from laughing so hard. Knock Knock---Who's there?---I eap----I eap who?  It was the funniest thing I've seen all week.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

God Speed Little Man

Sawyer's favorite lullabye is God Speed by the Dixie Chicks

What should we do?

So sometimes when I am deciding how to discipline Sawyer I ask him what he thinks and what he thinks I should do. Surprisingly most of the time his answers are very logical and I usually agree. Tonight he pooped in his pants, again. I asked him what I should do about it, he said "nothing" (in a very sweet innocent voice) and I said, "So you think you'll eventually just get over it and figure it out" and he said "Yeah, Jesus will help me." He is such a sweet and sensitive guy. HE is the perfect example of what it means when Jesus said become as a child and come unto me. When he said that I should do nothing I was reminded that I really didn't need to do anything but help him get through it and be supportive. I am so thankful for Sawyer and the Spirit he brings into our home.

Later that same night during dinner I told the kids that they could have dessert outside if they finished their dinner. Sawyer finished his but London refused (stubbornest woman I have met yet) and so I told her she couldn't come outside. Sawyer then offered to finish her dinner for her so she could go outside. I said yes but told her she couldn't have a treat. So Sawyer let her have the first bite of his ice cream cone. I have yet to see such sibling affection from London. She acts like Sawyer has evil intentions and feels the need to protect herself or just does not want to be bothered. But he is usually very patient with her and watches out for her nonetheless. He seems like he loves unconditionally....with me too.
He has told me before after I explained that I make mistakes too, "that's okay Mom, we're growing up together" I feel so blessed to be his mom and hope that I can remember on a daily basis what a very special and chosen Spirit Sawyer is.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Too scared to Poop

So Sawyer's problem with life lately has been getting his poop in the potty. He has a fear of pooping in the potty. He says he is afraid it is going to hurt, so he goes through a dozen pairs of underwear a day because he smears them all, and everytime he does he runs and hides from his momma. It has been a challenge. But I have tried punishing, yelling, screaming, spanking, yanking, shoving, hollering, threatening, and that obviously isn't working so I have decided to just let him figure it out. I will just try to be supportive and patient, no rewards, no punishments. (I tried offering rewards but that wasn't working either--he just got mad because he thinks it is impossible to do it). So that is the Soy drama of the last two weeks. (He has always had a hard time making it anyway because he waits so long but it is particularly bad this time)
Other than that he is the best big brother and the best superhero ever! He has such an imagination. It is so fun just to listen and watch him play. 

Cowboy Cassanova

Sawyer the Engineer