Thursday, September 1, 2011

Trampoline Adventures

Soy and I played on the tramp today and his imagination is spectacular! He was Woody and I was Bullseye and we were fighting Emperor Zurg and Emperor Zurg caught me and locked me up and Woody saved me. Then Soy told me I needed to fight back and I said "I'm a horse" and he said "Alright, I will make you a special suit....a suit that shoots....bullets...out of your mouth!" And so after I put the suit on and we were chasing after bad guys Saywer started talking to his "watch" on his wrist and he said "Oh my gosh! Emperor Zurg is inside me!" and after that he kept going back and forth between being Woody and Emperor Zurg before I used my special Zurg seperator laser to get him out. We were jumping in and out of dimensions through the white circle in the middle of the tramp the whole time and "Woody" was falling out of the sky and all sorts of stuff. I think we may be letting Saywer watch to much T.V. or play too many video games..... but wow he is so cute when he is playing like that.

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