Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What should we do?

So sometimes when I am deciding how to discipline Sawyer I ask him what he thinks and what he thinks I should do. Surprisingly most of the time his answers are very logical and I usually agree. Tonight he pooped in his pants, again. I asked him what I should do about it, he said "nothing" (in a very sweet innocent voice) and I said, "So you think you'll eventually just get over it and figure it out" and he said "Yeah, Jesus will help me." He is such a sweet and sensitive guy. HE is the perfect example of what it means when Jesus said become as a child and come unto me. When he said that I should do nothing I was reminded that I really didn't need to do anything but help him get through it and be supportive. I am so thankful for Sawyer and the Spirit he brings into our home.

Later that same night during dinner I told the kids that they could have dessert outside if they finished their dinner. Sawyer finished his but London refused (stubbornest woman I have met yet) and so I told her she couldn't come outside. Sawyer then offered to finish her dinner for her so she could go outside. I said yes but told her she couldn't have a treat. So Sawyer let her have the first bite of his ice cream cone. I have yet to see such sibling affection from London. She acts like Sawyer has evil intentions and feels the need to protect herself or just does not want to be bothered. But he is usually very patient with her and watches out for her nonetheless. He seems like he loves unconditionally....with me too.
He has told me before after I explained that I make mistakes too, "that's okay Mom, we're growing up together" I feel so blessed to be his mom and hope that I can remember on a daily basis what a very special and chosen Spirit Sawyer is.

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