Monday, May 2, 2011

Too scared to Poop

So Sawyer's problem with life lately has been getting his poop in the potty. He has a fear of pooping in the potty. He says he is afraid it is going to hurt, so he goes through a dozen pairs of underwear a day because he smears them all, and everytime he does he runs and hides from his momma. It has been a challenge. But I have tried punishing, yelling, screaming, spanking, yanking, shoving, hollering, threatening, and that obviously isn't working so I have decided to just let him figure it out. I will just try to be supportive and patient, no rewards, no punishments. (I tried offering rewards but that wasn't working either--he just got mad because he thinks it is impossible to do it). So that is the Soy drama of the last two weeks. (He has always had a hard time making it anyway because he waits so long but it is particularly bad this time)
Other than that he is the best big brother and the best superhero ever! He has such an imagination. It is so fun just to listen and watch him play. 

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