Thursday, December 27, 2012


This Christmas Sawyer learned the art of receiving. We had talked about the importance of gratitude for gifts throughout the month, however on Christmas eve when he opened his pajamas he was not prepared. He threw a little fit and voiced his disappointment at the gift. Joel talked with him about how lucky the kids were to get so many presents and how some kids don't get any and he seemed to understand that. Later as I was tucking him in he said "Sorry Mom, about the pajamas". I really feel like  he is very mature for a 5 year old. He has his tantrums but he sincerely wants to do good. There is so much love in that little guy. There always has been. I felt it even when he was a baby, the way he would look into my eyes. And I remember him not even 2 years old comforting me while I cried. My biggest fear as a mother is not nurturing and encouraging the natural beauty and goodness within each of my children. They are each so different and thus need different things. I pray that I can remain vigilant in keeping close to the Spirit so I can discern their individual needs.