Thursday, December 27, 2012


This Christmas Sawyer learned the art of receiving. We had talked about the importance of gratitude for gifts throughout the month, however on Christmas eve when he opened his pajamas he was not prepared. He threw a little fit and voiced his disappointment at the gift. Joel talked with him about how lucky the kids were to get so many presents and how some kids don't get any and he seemed to understand that. Later as I was tucking him in he said "Sorry Mom, about the pajamas". I really feel like  he is very mature for a 5 year old. He has his tantrums but he sincerely wants to do good. There is so much love in that little guy. There always has been. I felt it even when he was a baby, the way he would look into my eyes. And I remember him not even 2 years old comforting me while I cried. My biggest fear as a mother is not nurturing and encouraging the natural beauty and goodness within each of my children. They are each so different and thus need different things. I pray that I can remain vigilant in keeping close to the Spirit so I can discern their individual needs.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Burned up

I was explaining the gravitational pull of the moon and the earth and the earth to the sun to the kids today and Sawyer blurted out "Oh my gosh! What if the earth ran into the sun?!"

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

High of the Day

Sawyers high of the day was swinging on the swing with his brother Coen and playing in the sand with the waterfall at the park.

SwissCheese SquarePants

Sawyer held up his swiss cheese today and said, "Mom, Spongebob is a yellow swiss cheese."

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Big Brother

Coen had a hard time going to sleep tonight and Mom was too tired to adequately meet his needs so Sawyer stepped up to the plate. He got down from his bunk bed and sang him songs. Some from what he learned at school and one that he made up, something about closing your eyes, go to sleep and the moon. "And then I just kept doing that over and over Mom" He has such a caring heart and is 90% of the time looking out for his brother and sister. He teaches me alot and I am so grateful to have him in our lives.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


While driving in the car sawyer told Jared Jared. I see some girls! And the sawyer laughed and said I just can't help myself. I see girls everywhere!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kissing girls

Jared was talking to sawyer and the subject Of kissing girls came up. Sawyer said Jared one day you will get married and have to kiss a girl on the lips. Jared said. Oh is it scary. Sawyer said no actually it's beautiful.

Monday, March 26, 2012

I don't like you anymore!

So Sawyer is having a hard time with anger right now. He does not like it one bit when he doesn't get his way. Tonight he got so angry that he said, "I don't like you anymore, I hate you!" I didn't say anything and just kept doing what I was doing. He just stood there watching me. And then five minutes later he came up to me and said "Mom, that made me feel really bad when I said that, I do still like you. I'm sorry I said that"

He has always been sweet to the core. He is my only kid that I can count on to give me hugs and kisses on command.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Compliments to the chef

Mom you are the Best lemonade maker best lemon meringue pie best breakfast best cupcake best ice cream best lunch maker

Monday, February 27, 2012


Sawyer gives the best most energetic hugs. He is always trying to kiss people on the lips. He got in trouble for it one day at school.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Kinder tots

I asked soy if there was anything he didn't like about school. He said "I like everything about school mom". We had a little prayer together on the car on his first day